Matlab for loop backwards
Matlab for loop backwards

matlab for loop backwards
  1. #Matlab for loop backwards full
  2. #Matlab for loop backwards code

#Matlab for loop backwards code

The conventional wisdom is that parfor loops (and loops in general) can only run a single code segment over all its iterations. Naturally, this specific tip is equally valid for both parfor loops and spmd blocks, since both of them use the pool of workers started by parpool. MATLAB is not using all logical cores because hyper-threading is enabled. MATLAB was assigned: 4 logical cores by the OS. I just know that in many cases I found it beneficial to reduce the number of workers to the actual number of physical cores: Maybe this is system-dependent, and maybe there is a switch somewhere that controls this, I don’t know. I know the documentation and configuration panel seem to imply that parpool uses the number of physical cores by default, but in my tests I have seen otherwise (namely, logical cores). Coupled with the non-negligible overhead of starting, coordinating and communicating with twice as many Matlab instances (workers are headless Matlab processes after all), we reach a conclusion that it may actually be better in many cases to use only as many workers as physical (not logical) cores. However, in many situations, hyperthreading does not improve the performance of a program and may even degrade it (I deliberately wish to avoid the heated debate over this: you can find endless discussions about it online and decide for yourself). On Intel CPUs, the OS reports two logical cores per each physical core due to hyper-threading, for a total of 4 workers on a dual-core machine. By default, Matlab creates as many workers as logical CPU cores. The first tip is to not use the default number of workers created by parpool (or matlabpool in R2013a or earlier). Furthermore, I limit myself only to parfor in this post: much can be said about spmd, GPU and other parallel constructs, but not today. In today’s post I will try not to reiterate the official tips, but rather those that I have not found mentioned elsewhere, and/or are not well-known (my apologies in advance if I missed an official mention of one or more of the following). Naturally, to use any of today’s tips, you need to have MathWorks’ Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT).īefore diving into the technical details, let me say that MathWorks has extensive documentation on PCT.

matlab for loop backwards

#Matlab for loop backwards full

The overall effect can be dramatic: The performance (speed) difference between a sub-optimal and optimized parfor‘ed code can be up to a full order of magnitude, depending on the specific situation. In today’s post I plan to expand on these tips, as well as provide a few others that for lack of space and time I did not mention in the presentation. During the presentation, I skimmed over a few tips for improving performance of parallel-processing ( parfor) loops. Negative step values traverse backwards.Matlab Expo 2016 keynote presentation A few days ago, MathWorks uploaded a video recording of my recent keynote presentation at the Matlab Expo 2016 in Munich, Germany. Here is a way to reverse a string without utilizing the built in features such as reversed. The reverse_string code is almost identical to the PEP with a check removed for simplicity's sake. Or calling a constructor like: cba = list(reverse_string('abc')) Without using the builtin, it might look something like, def reverse_string(x: str) -> str:Ĭonsume the iterator either by looping, eg for element in (reverse_string('abc')): So to reverse a string, consume the iterator until it is exhausted. makes a reverse iterator over sequence objects that support getitem() and len(). The function checks whether the argument is iterable and then yields the last element of a list until there are no more elements to yield. For those readers attempting to understand how reversed is implemented, take a look at the PEP, number 322, to get an understanding of the how and why.

matlab for loop backwards

But this is error prone and the builtin function reversed is a much better approach.

matlab for loop backwards

It does show how one could utilize range and negative step values to build a value by looping through a string and adding elements in off the end of the string to the front of the new value. It is not a very pythonic or even efficient way to loop over a string backwards. EDIT: It has been quite some time since I wrote this answer.

Matlab for loop backwards